Massage therapy not your thing, reflexology can address the stress in your body through your feet or hands. Reflexology is the application of pressure to areas on the feet or the hands. The theory behind reflexology is that areas of the foot or hands correspond to organs and systems of the body. Pressure is applied to the foot to bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body.
Choose either foot or hand reflexology a 25 minute session.
Cancellation Policy
To avoid charges, we request a 24-hour notice for cancellation. This is done in fairness both to clients who would otherwise have wanted the appointment time and the therapist, who is paid per session.
Appointments cancelled with more than a 4-hour notice will not be charged or will receive a full refund when prepaid. Appointments cancelled without a 4-hour notice will be charged 50% of service price as a service fee. 100% of the service price will be charged as cancellation fee, if the client does not show up for the scheduled appointment. If the client is 20 minutes late without notifying us of this, it is considered a no show, the appointment time is released and client is responsible for 100% of service price booked.
Couples massages and Outcall appointments will be charged 100% of service price if cancelled without 48-hour notice. Appointments cancelled with 48 hour or more notice will receive a full refund. We appreciate your understanding. Mahalo nui loa